2023 Overall Results

Rank Bike# Class Name Bike Day 2 Day 3 Penalties Total Split
1 102 All In Jacob Refoy 250 EXC 5:28:35 5:18:32 0:06:00 10:53:07
2 142 Vets 50+ Kevin Archer 300 EXC 5:26:52 5:29:55 10:56:47 0:03:40
3 103 All In Harrison McClintock 250 EXC 6:03:30 5:24:30 0:07:00 11:35:00 0:38:13
4 145 All In Darren Benjamin EC300 5:58:08 5:39:59 0:15:00 11:53:07 0:18:07
5 129 All In Jaydyn Kirkcaldie TE300 6:04:36 5:38:02 0:15:00 11:57:38 0:04:31
6 128 All In John Luxton 300 EXC 6:08:18 5:43:22 0:15:00 12:06:40 0:09:02
7 107 All In Joshua Yeoman 300 EXC 6:29:16 5:46:48 0:09:00 12:25:04 0:18:24
8 121 Vets 50+ Mark Delatour 300 EXC 6:03:07 6:12:05 0:15:00 12:30:12 0:05:08
9 108 Vets 40-49 Jason Skiffington 300 EXC 6:15:46 6:02:00 0:15:00 12:32:46 0:02:34
10 115 Vets 40-49 Rob Berrington-Smith TE300 6:22:27 6:02:58 0:15:00 12:40:25 0:07:39
11 111 Vets 40-49 Ki Barker RR200 6:36:24 5:56:03 0:12:00 12:44:27 0:04:02
12 112 All In Tom Hislop 250 EXC 6:41:40 6:14:50 0:08:00 13:04:30 0:20:03
13 141 Vets 50+ Tim Lapwood 300 EXC 6:36:40 6:14:17 0:15:00 13:05:57 0:01:27
14 106 All In Nathan Tucker 250 EXC 6:39:05 6:14:01 0:15:00 13:08:06 0:02:09
15 130 All In Jason Donaldson 300 6:43:21 6:10:23 0:15:00 13:08:44 0:00:38
16 134 Vets 40-49 Jody Englebrecht YZF250 FX 6:48:06 6:09:32 0:15:00 13:12:38 0:03:54
17 140 Vets 50+ Adrian Broughton 300 EXC 6:32:18 6:29:05 0:15:00 13:16:23 0:03:45
18 109
Teams Brett Gunson
Andy Gunson
300 EXC
300 EXC
6:56:15 6:15:55 0:15:00 13:27:10 0:10:47
19 122 Vets 50+ David Cash RR300 6:53:33 6:28:44 0:15:00 13:37:17 0:10:07
20 124 Vets 50+ Grant McKinlay 300 EXC 6:57:07 6:26:59 0:15:00 13:39:06 0:01:49
21 119 All In Rob Larman TE300 6:52:14 6:19:06 0:30:00 13:41:20 0:02:14
22 136 Vets 40-49 George Williams 300 EXC 7:19:30 6:09:31 0:15:00 13:44:01 0:02:41
23 127 All In Rowan Watt 250 EXC 7:07:06 6:30:15 0:15:00 13:52:21 0:08:20
24 133 Vets 40-49 Brad Wykes 300 EXC 7:16:59 6:34:10 0:15:00 14:06:09 0:13:48
25 139 Vets 50+ Kelly Glover 300 EXC 7:29:44 6:24:40 0:15:00 14:09:24 0:03:15
26 104
Teams Anders Easton
Campbell Easton
7:59:38 6:23:31 0:11:00 14:34:09 0:24:45
27 116
Teams Regan George
Sam Vickers
300 EXC
7:38:18 6:43:31 0:15:00 14:36:49 0:02:40
28 125 All In Owen Broughton 250 EXC 7:33:13 6:55:28 0:15:00 14:43:41 0:06:52
29 126 All In Luke Nesbit RR300 7:24:31 7:24:53 0:15:00 15:04:24 0:20:43
30 146 All In Torrin Bryant EC300 8:34:54 6:43:08 0:15:00 15:33:02 0:28:38
31 118 Vets 40-49 Lance Roozendaal YZ250 7:57:14 7:24:23 0:15:00 15:36:37 0:03:35
32 143
Teams Daniel Paterson
Mitchell Goodman
300 EXC
8:53:55 7:19:24 0:15:00 16:28:19 0:51:42
33 113 Vets 50+ Wayne Finlayson 300 EXC 2:22:04 6:00:18 0:15:00 8:37:22
34 114 All In Ethan Jameson YZF450 6:22:18 3:06:08 0:02:00 9:30:26 0:53:04
35 138 Vets 40-49 Jamie Croad 300 EXC 8:25:32 0:30:00 8:55:32
36 131 All In David Parkin 300 EXC 7:19:57 0:15:00 7:34:57
37 137 Vets 40-49 Allan Wellbrock TE300 8:08:31 0:15:00 8:23:31 0:48:34
38 135 Vets 40-49 Roly Rusling RR200 6:33:08 0:15:00 6:48:08
39 100 All In Daniel Bates 250 EXC 2:04:33 0:10:00 2:14:33
40 120 All In Cory Taylor RR390 0:37:56 0:04:00 0:41:56
41 123 Vets 40-49 Brydon O'Connell EC300 0:15:00 0:15:00

Timing and scoring

Results will be live from each checkpoint and the final results each day will be posted online as soon as they are available